Blessed from the beginning in 1845, as a religious congregation founded by Blessed Frances Schervier, we give our energies to
being a healing presence of God's love. We hold a special reverence for the most vulnerable of society and desire to assist all toward self-determination and dignity. We strive to live the "new creation" -- The Good News of Salvation --
while helping others live it.
We, the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, are an international religious congregation of women, spreading the Gospel across the globe in Brazil, Italy, Philippines, Senegal and the Untied States. Our gift to the world and to the Church is to be a healing presence to those in need, especially the most vulnerable and unseen in society. We express ourselves through a variety of ways including prayer, pastoral presence, health promotion, alternative healing and education.
Like our very title, as Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, we are Gospel women, inspired by St. Francis of Assis and our foundress, Blessed Frances Schervier, "to heal the wounds of Christ, in poor suffering humanity." We dedicate ourselves to being a healing balm to the wounds of our world and the Church.
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